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White Brick Wall

Trivia Recap: 12/14

The Players: Brock (marketing/graphic design/computer/etc. guru), Darren (math professor), Hannah (English teacher), Ben (social studies teacher)

Hint of the Day: A stack of three rocks with an arrow pointing to the one on the bottom

Opening Category: Home Alone

Round One:

We were thinking that Home Alone would make for a solid bonus category because we'd all seen the movie and the opening category isn't usually that difficult... but we missed this one. We needed the name of the movie that the quote "Keep the change, ya filthy animal" came from and none of us knew it. Ben knew that the word "Angel" was in it, but for the life of us, we could not come up with "Angels With Filthy Souls." Oh well. Ben figured out US Geography because he was able to visualize the Great Lakes (he didn't even need to draw a map!) and Darren figured out "This One is Cheesy" when he combined his knowledge of cheese and French. The answer? "Fondue." An Oldie But a Goodie was fun because we were given three clues and all of them had "old" in them somewhere: "Griswold," "The Old Man and the Sea," and "The Bold and the Beautiful." Done, done, and done. And then 90s Sitcoms was fine. The answer was "Third Rock from the Sun," but we didn't get the bonus ("William Shatner"). Not a terrible round, just a bummer that we missed our bonus category.

Round Two:

Pour House is big into making the audio clues lines from movies now. I don't really like it; I like it when the question involves songs. So just like last week, this week's audio clue was lines from holiday films and the answers were "The Polar Express," "A Muppets Christmas Carol," and "A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas." Unfortunately, someone wrote down "The Polar CHRISTMAS" instead of "The Polar Express" and we missed those points... (It wasn't me, fyi!) We did not do well with the question about prescription drugs, but we did (surprisingly) get Modern Hip Hop! World War 2 History was fine, as was College Sports.

Bonus Sheet:

We aced this. The top was identifying the artists of holiday albums (we were given a picture of each album) and the bottom was coming up with names of people/things who/that have the initials M.C. (like Merry Christmas!). I got Mary Cassatt, which was one of my only contributions all night.

It was around this time that I asked a very thoughtful question of my team and no one answered. The question was, "If you could visit a Christmas movie for one weekend, which Christmas movie would you enter?" After a lot of thought, I've decided to go with Flirting With Forty because 1) Robert Buckley, and 2) I could learn to surf.

Round Three:

Darren knew Three Clues, One Word on the first two clues, but we waited just to be on the safe side. Bummer, because we would have gotten two bonus points. Films of the 2010s was fine, European Islands was not, Darren showed his age with Holiday Specials ("Opus the Penguin," anyone?), and we did alright with Greek Mythology as well.

6 - 4 - 2:

We got this for six. "Jones." Apparently they make soda that tastes like turkey and gravy. How gross is that?

Round Four:

We missed Nascar, even though Ben knew half the answer, and Broadway Musicals was ridiculously difficult. None of us had ever heard of the musical and I don't think a single team got the answer right. Bible Figures was alright, we did great with Science Lingo, and Literary Works was a piece of cake. Oh! I was an asset there as well! The topic was Little Women.

Final Category:

It was a question about World History and the answer was "Nuremberg" and Ben knew it. We ended up placing third, which isn't bad, and next week's opening category is Argentinian History. *sigh*



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