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White Brick Wall

Trivia Recap: 12/22

The Players: Brock (marketing/graphic design/computer/etc. guru), Hannah (English teacher), Ben (social studies teacher), and Alex (coffee shop owner)

Hint of the Day: Santa Claus / Saint Nick

Opening Category: Argentinian History

Spoiler Alert: We won!

Before trivia even started, we had an impromptu gift exchange! Alex brought this great pouch that has Educated Friends printed on it. This goes back to a conversation we had weeks ago about being able to find absolutely anything on Etsy. What's even greater about her gift is that I brought really nice pens for everyone! (Adam's pen selection is pretty atrocious, but now we won't be affected by it!) Brock brought cookies, which were delicious! And Ben brought nothing.

Round One:

We actually aced this round, only missing two bonus questions. One was, not surprisingly, about a stadium. Pour House is forever asking bonus questions about sports stadiums. 🙄 The other was about the Bible. Anyway, Ben knew enough about Argentina to get us nine points, we all knew at least a smidge about the Bible and earned seven points there, It's Alphanumeric was all about V-8, Holiday Films required us to know about Love, Actually, which is one of my top two favorite Christmas movies, and Ben got the 2-point bonus by remember that Billy Bob Thornton played the President of the United States.

Round Two:

Christmas Carols was easy and so was Dog Breeds. I got it right away without hearing the entire clue. All I needed was "The beginning and ending letter..." and I knew it was "Akita." The clue for Slang Terms was a little confusing, but we figured it out despite this, and Brock set Ben straight on the US Territories question. He also set my spelling straight. The only thing we missed here was a question about Holiday History, and Ben actually suggested the answer ("Maccabee") but none of us knew what he was talking about and so we went with something else instead. Turns out, Ben was right. We lost one point.

Half-Time Sheet

The only thing we didn't know was Dido... so we got 19/20.

Round Three:

Happy Birthday, Ralph Fiennes was easy, as was Last Word, First Word, Fictional Locales, Founding Fathers, and TV Songs. We missed the bonus on that last one, but basically destroyed the round.

Around this time, Ben told us a joke.

Ben: Oh. I heard a Dad Joke the other day.

Us: Yeah? What is it?

Ben: How do you follow Will Smith?

Us: [Puzzled because there are a lot of possible answers, none of which are funny]

Ben: [Jabbing the air like he does when he remembers something] In the snow? How do you follow Will Smith... in the snow?

Us: [Laughing at this point]

Ben: Look for fresh prints.

Round Four:

Military Matters (that's "M-A-T-T-E-R-S") was gotten yet again by Ben, as was 2022 Fifa World Cup. Weirdly, everytime Adam (the DJ) read the name of that first category, he spelled the word "Matters." I'm not sure why... I mean, how many different ways are there to spell "matter"? Anyway, we also got Cocktail Ingredients (though we missed the bonus), Christmas Throughout History, and And the Dreidel Will Rock.

Final Round:

I forget the clue, but Brock got the answer before it was even given! "Reindeer!"

Since we won, we got to choose next week's opening category, so... while many of you know the book and movie as The Polar Express, we in The Educated Friends prefer to refer to it as The Polar Christmas. 😉

Look how many notes were taken thanks to my new pen! I can't wait 'til next week!



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