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White Brick Wall

Trivia Recap: 12/29

The Players: Brock (marketing/graphic design/computer/etc. guru), Hannah (English teacher), Ben (not a proctologist), Alex (coffee shop owner), Phil (Adobe guru), Darren (math professor), Mary (English teacher)

Hint of the Day: Pen

Opening Category: The Polar Express

Sidenote: Didn't Phil's hair look great? He's letting it grow a little longer. If you see him around town, compliment his new look.

Round One:

We earned 33 points in this round, which was really very good. Mary knew the answer to the question about The Polar Express, which we should have all known since it was our chosen category... But, whatever. We got it! There was a good question about things with R.A. initials. The answers were Raggedy Anne, Rheumatoid Arthritis (I predicted that right from the get-go), and Rick Astley (my friend Annie hates "Never Gonna Give You Up," but I've always loved it!). 2KTV was fine. Darren and Darren both got "Penn and Teller," but Darren earned us the two-point bonus by knowing it aired on Showtime. We missed a question about Champagne, but knew the answer and the bonus for Literary Characters. All in all, it was a good round.

Round Two:

Titular Commonalities, our audio clue, was a little trickier than usual... but we got it. We also got Internet Logos (props to my team for knowing the center color of the Google Chrome logo), Scientific Discoveries (even though I didn't wear my periodic table shirt; it was in the wash), and 90s Drama Films. The only thing we missed was Name that NBA Player, which Phil knew but didn't say loudly enough for Ben to hear. Phil was not at all confident in his answer anyway, and it was only one point, and in the scheme of things, it didn't end up mattering all that much.

Half-Time Sheet:

16/20. Let's just say Phil doesn't know as much about Ho-Hos and Ding-Dongs as he thought he did...

Round Three:

Ben got us the answer and the bonus points for 3 Clues, 1 US State (he knows a lot about Pennsylvania), Music Video Hodge Podge was fine, Ben also got us the answer to Historical Battles (Guadalcanal) and Sports Collectibles. Darren knew our bonus category, Authors and Their Works (Norman Mailer), but no one else on the team did. He wasn't quite confident to go for the answer before the multiple-choice options, which means we didn't get the additional two-point bonus, but that's okay because we still got it right.

6 - 4 - 2:

I forget the question, but the answer was "Money" and we got it on the second clue, giving us four points.

Round Four:

TV Characters and Their Shows was fine, as were Oscar Winning Roles, It Happened on New Year's Eve, Medical Conditions, and Comic Book Hodge Podge. A lot of times that last round can be brutal, but we nailed it on Thursday night!

Final Question:

I can't for the life of me remember the category or the question, but we thought the answer was Carnegie and Rockefeller and it wasn't... which means we lost 12 points and came in third.

For some reason, there's no trivia next week, so don't expect a recap on Friday. Maybe I'll blog about something else that day!



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