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Trivia Recap: 6/29

The Players: Hannah (English teacher), Alex (coffee shop owner), Darren (math professor), Brock (much ado about marketing), Mary (English teacher), Victoria (veterinarian), Danielle (bartender)

Hint of the Day: Sander

Opening Category: Songs from 1999 (an audio clip!)

Before I begin this blog, I’d like to say that last night the wonderful folks at Fourscore created a meal for me that wasn’t on the menu! I really liked the hot honey chicken sandwich that I’d eaten last week, but that was a special… and I wanted another chicken sandwich, but last night’s special was a cheesesteak and I don’t eat red meat. But I asked if it was possible to have a CHICKEN cheesesteak created and it was and I ate it and it’s my favorite sandwich yet from Fourscore!

Here’s more exciting news: Fourscore’s menu changed TODAY and now there are all sorts of non-red-meat options available for non-red-meat-eaters like me! Woohoo!

Round One:

We obviously got the opening audio clue correct. I mean, we chose it. The answer was TLC, which is a band I’ve never cared for. We also conquered some trivia about technology by knowing that the iPhone was the answer to whatever the question was and that 14 (XIV?) is the most recent model. And speaking of iPhones… Mine has lately been less than stellar. It won’t hold a charge (I tend to plug it in three to four times every day) and it’s slow to do almost everything. I need a new one. Maybe a 14/XIV. Alex and Darren figured out Genghis Khan for Historical Figures but Welcome to “SUMMER” was an epic fail for us. We did not know what the summertime WWE thing was called (SummerSlam was the answer, I believe, but Alex suggested Summer Smashdown which actually should be the answer because it is a better answer). South American Countries was surprisingly fine because it had more to do with spelling and counting than geography. We just had to identify two countries with nine letters. (Argentina and Venezuela, in case you’re wondering.)

Round Two:

Weirdly, the audio clue for this round was Back to the 1990s and we got it right because, as stated above, we are quite knowledgeable about the 90s and the music that came out of that particular decade. Adam, our DJ, stated last night that he thinks the 90s had the best music.

Here’s a little side note: Mary doesn’t know a whole lot of music that’s not Taylor Swift or country. And I don’t know a whole lot of country. Therefore, Mary and I now do a thing where I send her one song per day and she sends me one song per day and we learn new music. This started yesterday. I chose “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana and she sent “Heads Carolina, Tails California” by Jo Dee Messina and now we both know something new.

Back to the second round of trivia… Victoria knew about Louis Pasteur, Darren and Brock knew that an astronaut played golf on the moon (but we weren’t sure of which one), Mary and I both knew Mel Gibson voiced John Smith in Pocahontas (even though I’ve never seen that film), and Darren knew the old ad slogan for FedEx.


On the top of the sheet, we had to identify black-and-white stills from films that could have been filmed in color. In other words, color film was an option when these films were made and they were all created in black and white. We got 11/12, missing a still from the film Roma—which we really struggled over. My favorite quote of the night occurred when Brock asked, “Does Adam have a color version?” Because Adam usually does have a color version of the halftime sheet… but not when the pictures are meant to be in black and white. Silly, Brock! The bottom of the sheet was matching mascots to NFL teams and that was easy for my team because they pay attention to football.

Round Three:

This round wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t great. We lost some points on a math question and a yoga question. There was also a question about Word Origins that we should have lost points on, but because Pour House can’t count and messed up the question, we actually got to keep those points. Needless to say, we weren’t in a great position after the third round though.


Darren suspected the answer was Lincoln after the first clue, but we weren’t confident so we waited. The answer was Lincoln though and we got it for four points.

Side note: Abraham Lincoln was one of my original three crushes, the other two being Superman and a young Elvis Presley.

Round Four:

There was a good question about US State Capitals and Darren could likely tell you what it is, but I don’t remember its exact wording and we didn’t get it right. I knew a thing about Healthy Science (Probiotics!) which got us some points, as did Three Clues/One Name. I forget the question, but the answer was Troy, which made me recount a story about Harry Styles’s opinions regarding the name Troy. (He says it’s not a real name. I adore Harry Styles.) Children’s Books was easy enough—Choose Your Own Adventure—and Female Musicians wasn’t great because we went with Taylor Swift instead of Beyonce… even though Victoria and Alex and I all had Beyonce written down on our papers. Whatever.

Final Round:

Can I Have a Car, Please? was the category and we got it wrong. We didn’t place and next week’s opening category is Haulin’ Oats (another audio clue).



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