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Trivia Recap: 7/6

Hi, readers! This is Alex, owner of Bantam Coffee Roasters and designer of many things. (The “A” key on my keyboard is stuck, so if there are a lot of “A”s, thaat is why. I’m getting rather sick of editing them out, so you’ll haave to deal with it like I am dealing with it.) I am the guest blogger for this week’s trivia recap! This week, we had a full team despite Phil not being able to make it. Our team consisted of me, Darren, Ben, (finally) SIRI, Hannah, Mary, and Brock. That’s a lot of players in comparison to some of the more recent weeks.

The night started out with an audio clue with Hall & Oaats, thanks to last week’s winners (not us). We all sang along aand came up with “You Make My Dreaaams Come True”. We got the points even though the real answer waaas “You Maaake My Dreams”. (Y’aall, I’m laughing at aall these “A”s. I really need to get my keyboard fixed.) We got the points aand the bonus for the Navaal History question. I don’t remember the question, but the answer waaaas John Paaul Jones & Led Zepplin. Our bonus category for round one was Fun with Prime Numbers which was very easily answered by Darren, of course. Such a math wizard, that one. The final category waaas 2000’s Movie Quotes which Brock thought waas Superbad (correct) and Jonah Hill (incorrect). That’ss okay, we still got a point for thaat.

Round two consisted of TV Theme Songs, US Cities, Zoological Lingo (where is Victoria when you need her?!), Sporty Lore, and Brit Lit. The theme songs question was an audio question. We very easily got those three. Luckily, this was our bonus question so we got mega points for that one, 16 to be exaact. The clue for this week waas “Salt” which applied to the US Cities question. The answer waaas Salt Lake City. Even without Victoria, we still got the animal question! Pretty sure it waaass aa mixture of Hannah aand Mary (?). I have a terrible memory.

We had great success with the bonus sheet. Again, with my terrible memory, I can’t quite remember what it waas about. Usually, we keep the bonus sheet, but I caan’t seem to find it.

The third round didn’t go so hot. I think this is why we got second place. I believe Siri got the birthstone question correct, which was Alexandrite and Ruby. I had gone to the bathroom during this question, but Mary still found me in the bathroom to ask me for the answer. I waaas wrong, so I’m glad they didn’t go with my answer. Our bonus question was about bands thaat have the word “kid” in them. We got this entire question wrong, unfortunately. We leaned heavily on Mary for the country music question, which she nailed.

The 6-4-2 question was something about planets (again, baad memory) and the answer was Earth aand we got the full 6 points!

Round four was equally unsuccessful even though we did get our bonus question aaabout the Wizard of Oz (one of my absolute favorite movies). Pretty sure the question about footwear haad something to do with the shoes thaat eskimos wear. We got the right answer, Mukluks. Even though we tend to hate sports questions, we did get the Football Hall of Famers question. I think Brock haad something to do with it, possibly Ben.

After trivia, we all went to ABC for another beer. It waas a fun and joyous night. I am truly blessed for all of my trivia friends.

I hope my run-on sentences and broken “A” key didn’t drive Hannaah too crazy when she goes to edit this. Anyway! It waas very nice recapping such a great evening.

Thank you, dear readers, for excusing my keyboard situation and my terrible memory.

All the best <3




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