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Trivia Recap: 8/18 (Summer's End Edition)

Hello, Hannah’s Readers! It’s me, Mary, taking my turn writing this week’s trivia blog.

The Players: Hannah (English teacher), Ben (not a garbage collector), Darren (math professor), Brock (multimedia designer*), Landon (English teacher), and Marc (social studies teacher).

*We once again asked Brock to explain his job for us. After some explanation that wasn’t really answering the question, I finally asked him what he puts down as his occupation for his taxes and he said, “multimedia designer.” We finally have the answer, folks!

Honorary Cheerleader: Alex (coffee shop owner)

Hint of the Day: Cosmo

Opening Category: 21st Century Halftime Shows

Round One:

We started off strong in the winner’s choice category. Right away Landon and I knew that Katy Perry opened her halftime performance with a lion as part of her act. Landon also knew the year, the teams playing, and the stadium for this Super Bowl which once again impressed us. The second question asked us about films that Robert De Niro starred in since yesterday was his birthday. We aced the three-part question. We all knew the name of the game for the third question. Ben and Landon knew about the public transportation system Bay Area Rapid Transit to earn us our points for question four. Then, Landon, Darren, and I all knew Olivia Rodrigo was the singer of the song “Vampire” and knew her other number one songs which gave us a perfect round.

Round Two:

For the first time in Educated Friends history, we did not choose the audio question as our bonus category. The question involved naming the shows that contained different fictional products. We would have been fine to keep it as our bonus though, since we knew the shows were SNL, Futurama, and 30 Rock. We knew the Branches of Chemistry question as well. Even though the name of the next category was Remove a Letter, we talked a lot about numbers for this question. We knew the word was “pious,” however, we kept debating about the number of popes who utilized this word in their title. Hannah wanted us to say 8 since it is her favorite number, Brock said to go with 12, but we split the difference with 10. Fun fact, 10 also used to be Hannah’s favorite number before the number 8. Darren, being the math professor that he is, then explained to Hannah how 8 comes before 10 and should have been her favorite number first. It didn’t matter that both of these numbers were Hannah’s favorites. They were wrong and Brock was right. The answer was 12. The team knew the Advertising Character, Spuds Mackenzie, for the next question and Ben drew a map of Asia and got us our answer of Indonesia for the final question of the round.


I forgot to take the Halftime Sheet with me so I’m relying on memory for this. I believe the top half of the sheet asked us to name George Clooney movies. We missed two. One of them I should have known because it was the movie The Perfect Storm and I really like this movie.

The bottom half had us name European Union countries based on several letters that occur in order within the country’s name. We managed to get all of those questions right.

Round Three:

The round opened with Three Events/One Decade which we got with the 1920s. Landon knew the 20th Century Author for the next question which was James Baldwin. Surprisingly, as a person who does not usually like comedy movies, I knew the comedy film for the next question was Strays and included Jamie Fox as part of the cast. It was a team effort to name the kitchen appliance brand, Cuisinart for the I’m in Your Kitchen category. Ben knew the Hip Hop Artist Big Daddy Kane to earn us our points for the final question. Danielle also confirmed that Ben was correct.


The 6-4-2 question this week had us naming a state. Unfortunately, we did not know the state whose largest public university was in a specific town that I can’t remember now. (Next time I write the blog, I’m going to need advanced notice so I can take better notes since my memory is letting me down.) The next clue sparked some ideas when it discussed that this state was part of the Missouri Compromise. Immediately, Ben and Marc both shouted out states. Marc said Maine and Ben said California. After a questioning look from Marc, Ben said, “I’m thinking of another compromise” and had us go with Maine as the answer which was correct.

Round Four:

The round opened by asking us which current CW shows were airing their series finales this week. Darren knew Riverdale which got us the points. We were apprehensive about the Ceremonial Traditions category but luckily I knew that Queen Victoria started the white wedding dress trend. There was much debate for the Animal Kingdom category. We were to name the largest mammal with the closest average lifespan to humans. We knew that the animal was an elephant but we could not decide on the record age of the Asian elephant. Ben wanted to go high with 130. I said that was way too high. Hannah wanted to go with 88 because, like I mentioned before, Hannah loves the number 8. We compromised (are you noticing a theme here?) by putting 110 as our answer. However, the correct answer was 89, so Hannah was the closest. Earlier in the game, Brock predicted that the clue of the day would come into play with the Name That Magazine category, saying that the magazine would be Cosmopolitan. He was right. Brock has been on a streak lately with correctly knowing where the hint of the day will be used. The last question was about athletes whose last name starts with the letters “Mc.” Ben thought that Adam said “NC” at first and then I used my last name as an example to clarify. The team knew the first two athletes were McIlroy and McGuire but we missed the third.

Final Category:

As usual we discussed whether or not we should wager the full twelve points for the final category, which was Oscar Winning Films. Also as usual, we decided to just go all in. We had to name which Best Picture recipient that used the word “love” in its title. The team narrowed it down to To Sir, With Love and Shakespeare In Love. We went with the latter option and earned our twelve points.

We were then tied with another team so we had to compete in a tie-breaker. For the tie-breaker, we had to come up with how many weeks Queen Victoria ruled. Mark and Darren worked together on this and came up with 2700. Unfortunately, the answer was 3300 and we ended up in third place.

Opening Category for Next Week: The Muppets and it is an audio clue.



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