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White Brick Wall

Trivia Recap: 9/28

The Players: Hannah, Mary, Darren, Landon, Marc... and eventually Phil!

The Opening Category:

Hint of the Day: Grover

Round One:

Marc right away knew that Stanford had to be good at tennis and he knew that Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan starred in a movie together. Surprise, surprise: I haven't seen that movie. We went with sand dollar as the round seashell found on currency somewhere, and that was interesting because I didn't realize that a sand dollar was considered to be a shell. Interesting, eh? Marc and Landon were confident that Harley Davidson was the answer to Three Clues / One Company because of a movie-related hint, but Darren told us to hold off for a minute and we lost the two-point bonus. He apologized afterward and we forgave him, so all is well. And then I believe it was Landon and Marc again who solved the World Geography question: China, South Korea, and Russia. We were off to a pretty solid start!

Round Two:

The audio clue was sort of fun. Every song was about rainbows and we needed to name the artists: Rolling Stones, Sia, and Kacey Musgrave. Landon saw that The US Supreme Court was the next category and started writing a list of justices and I believe the only one he didn't have on his list was the one who was the answer: John Roberts. Darren immediately knew that Jason Sudeikis was on 30 Rock and that there was a romance in Cleveland. We all knew the fun answer of Bridget Jones's Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and we missed Baseball Hall of Famers. Oh well.


On the top half, we had to identify sets of TV shows and on the bottom we had to come up with the top twelve most populated states. We got 19/20 because we didn't realize New Jersey was in the top 12, even though Marc suggested it.

Round Three:

Jewelry Lingo was a stupid category and I didn't like it because it incorporated jewelry and French. I don't know any French. Nickelodeon Hodgepodge was fun though. The answer was Ariana Grande and both Landon and Mary knew it straight away. I was super impressed with Landon for knowing much more than anyone else about the US Air Force. We didn't get the bonus, but we did get the points. I knew Oakleys was the answer to Brand Name Origins because that seemed logical to me in regards to the clue (I forget what the clue was; something to do with Annie Oakley) and that was useful because no one else knew it. And then Films of the 2000s was known by Darren (Sin City) but not the bonus. I have seen that movie, however, which surprised Mary.


We got this for six points and the answer was Penn Jillette.

Round Four:

We predicted that the answer to US Presidents would be Grover Cleveland because of the hint of the day--like, we predicted it before trivia even started--but for some reason my team wouldn't listen to me regarding his birthplace, which I believed to be New York because of Sesame Street and Grover. And I was right and they were wrong. We Share A First Name was alright because Darren and Landon and possibly Marc knew things and It's in the Recipe was easy because everyone knows that cream of mushroom soup is in green bean casserole. And Marc was insanely useful and knowledgable and brilliant when it came to African Geography. Suuuuuuuper impressive!

Final Round:

Phil showed up just in time for the final round and I was so excited that I didn't pay any attention to the question! It had something to do with colleges and Darren wrote down Cornell and Cornell was right so we ended up winning. But more importantly, Marc and Landon finally got to meet Phil! I equated it to introducing a new boyfriend to my friends and family because Phil is my concert husband, you know?

Next week's opening category is an audio clue of Trampled By Turtles songs. I am sending a TBT song to Darren and Mary each day and Darren is sending me a turtle gif each day and so far Mary has only done a "haha"/laughter thingie on our text thread, which is slightly disappointed, but hopefully she begins participating more in the near future... like after she reads this blog. 😉



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