Trivia Recap: 9/8
Truth: Tonight's wasn't an especially exciting night. I had mucho fun, but I was only partially "there." My level of exhaustion at the moment is off the charts; I've already caught about ten spelling errors and I'm on my third sentence... I guess the plus is that I caught the spelling errors. There's no guarantee that this will continue and I apologize in advance for typos. The last time I was this tired was on August 29 at 6:55PM. I only know this because it was documented in a text to my dear friend Annie. Today, I am equally (if not more) tired than that.
The players: Darren (math professor), Ben (social studies teacher), Mary (English teacher), Kristin (English teacher), Alex (coffee shop owner), me (English teacher)
Opening category: WNBA
Hint of the Day: Smiley face that said something like "Have fun at trivia." This was a stupid clue, though, because the REAL hint was the fact that the smiley face was pink. It was, by far, the lamest clue Pour House Trivia has ever come up with. I get that people have "brain farts" or whatever, but I hope hope HOPE this was theirs. Future clues need to be better.
Round One:
We were good. We missed two 2-point bonuses, but who cares? That's what Darren said at one point. Well, he didn't say that. What he said was, "Wow, she's really distracted tonight." The "she" he spoke of was me. I had neglected to do ANY research ahead of time, and I didn't bother to even look up the hint of the day. It's because yesterday was such a long day and today was also exhausting. My students are watching The Birds (because we're also reading "The Birds") and while I do believe that movie is iconic and the kids generally like it, I have to watch it four times. It's a lot. I sat in a dark room for four 42-minute periods today and watched Mr. Forsythe not have eyes, Melanie Daniels try to woo Mrs. Brenner, Cathy get attacked by a seagull, and the children in Cathy's school sing the most annoying song while crows congregated on the jungle gym outside. I was on the brink of falling asleep... but I didn't fall asleep. Instead, I drove my mom's Kia home, parked it at my house, ran (literally) back into town, got my Jeep (Maybe Todd didn't charge me! I love him!), drove it home, showered, and made a new cut-paper book trailer for Monday even though hardly anyone seems to have watched the one I stayed up late to create after open house yesterday. *sigh*
Since the first paragraph wasn't really about Round One, here's a bonus paragraph:
Some crazy nonsense happened in that Kristin introduced us to Billy Ocean moments and she'll need to explain that to you (maybe in a Facebook comment), but it's basically serendipity stuff. So much of what we had talked about earlier in the night were answers to questions: King Arthur and Chad, definitely. There may have been others in this round, but this is where it started.
Round Two:
Again, we did well. Darren knows his Star Trek and Ben was listening to NPR this morning and they covered television debuts instead of birthdays. Wouldn't you know we needed a television debut and the answer was Oprah? Serendipitous? Billy Ocean? Whatever it was, it happened again. Also in this round, I learned what a Murphy bed is. I'm In Your Bedroom was the category. Creepy-sounding, right? I don't watch a lot of movies; I especially don't watch a lot of eighties movies. Apparently Murphy beds were popular in the eighties. Whatever. I know what a chiffarobe is. (Thank you, Harper Lee.)
We got sixteen out of twenty. The top half was identifying beer labels and the bottom was essentially "name the state that borders these other two states." Ben did really well on the bottom; he only missed one. The beer is what threw us for a loop.
Round Three:
The only one we missed was Geographic Brand Names. Going into this, I suggested Andes because it's a candy. For some reason that I still don't understand, Kristin thought this was hilarious. It made me happy that she thought it was hilarious, but it seemed like a logical guess before receiving the clue. The clue, however, had to do with tire companies. TIRE COMPANIES. Firestone... Cooper... There are apparently others. One of them was the answer to the question, but we got it wrong and I don't remember what it was because I'm running on fumes.
Probably my favorite word ever is "antepenultimate." We got this semi-convoluted clue about Vanna White revealing a clue in which the antepenultimate letter was T in 1963 and we thought the correct answer was 60 Minutes but it was actually General Hospital and so we got no points instead of 6, 4, or 2.
Round Four:
At this point we learned that Mary's family calls her Typhoid Mary when she's sick (it was an answer to a clue) and Ben once again proved that he knows his presidents (Truman for the win). Dog Breeds was our bonus and when Adam read this aloud, four of us (Mary, Kristin, Alex, and I) squealed with delight. We got it right, and then we moved onto Mountain Ranges. I didn't have a strong feeling about anything, but because it was a Billy Ocean kind of night, I suggested Andes simply because I had made the suggestion of Andes for Geographic Brand Names earlier in the night. We went with the Alps though. Guess what the answer was. The Andes. #BillyOcean
Final Question:
It was something to do with comedies from the 1980s and the answer was Fast Times at Ridgemont High. I've never seen it, but my former assistant principal claimed it was his favorite film of all time. Oh well. He's not on my team.
We came in third. Ben drew zero maps even though he had at least two opportunities, so the release of the coffee-table book is going to be later than expected. With any luck, however, next week's trivia night will require him to put pen to napkin and crank out some magical images.
Sorry for any and all typos/misspellings. I'm crazy tired, folks. I'm going to bed. But please please PLEASE watch my cut-paper book trailer from yesterday and give it some love because I was feeling really disheartened when I saw that Kathy, Mary, and Pat from California were the only people who liked it on Facebook.
Okay. Love you all! Goodnight!