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White Brick Wall

Until I Write a Book About Him...'s a blog about my friend Chad. Today's his birthday!

Chad is one of the owners of my favorite coffee shop, Bantam Coffee Roasters. I frequently swing by for a latte and Chad frequently says, "Have you written a book about me yet?"

The name "Chad" is mentioned in Running Through the Words, I believe, but the character of Chad doesn't appear until my Christmas novella. That's likely going to be released in November 2023, and you'll enjoy it more if you've read Like A Flip Turn (because of Ruby), Just Whistle (because of Jasper), and Kick It One More Time (because of Doc, Jack, and Amelia) ahead of time. Chad is not a major character in my Christmas novella, though, and he wants to be. The real Chad wants this, I mean; the fictional Chad is fine with his current role.

Here is some worthwhile information about Chad:

Favorite Concert:

Alabama. He was five years old and it was his first concert ever. When Alex, Chad's girlfriend, heard him respond with this answer, she said, "Seriously? That was your favorite concert?" But Chad countered with, "It started my love affair with concerts." Since then, he's seen a lot of shows, including Tibetan Freedom in 1998 and a ton of bands when he lived in Washington. I know for a fact that he also saw The Lumineers and Caamp because I was at the same show and we hung out!

Book Recommendation:

The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner. When I asked why, Chad answered, "It's the most genius piece of American literature that's out there." He also shared with me that Faulkner had originally wanted the text to be published in color so the words could appear in different hues, but the publisher pointed out that that would cost way too much. (I have a version of Like A Flip Turn that has some words printed in color and it really jacks up the price, but Jenny has synesthesia and I wanted that to be represented, so...)

Favorite Food:

Cheese. This answer was provided relatively quickly, and then Chad began to worry after saying it, acknowledging, "People are gonna think I'm constipated all the time." Fortunately, he does get some fiber from the consumption of Caesar salads. Chad also appreciates a good Reuben sandwich. Interestingly, the best meal Chad ever had "was in a mall. It was sushi, in a mall, in Luxemburg, which is a double landlocked country." What are the odds, right?

Best Part About Owning a Business:

"I can wear flip-flops." Chad owns the business, he owns the flip-flops, and he owns the look. But he also enjoys problem-solving and being creative.

Favorite Drink on the Menu at Bantam Coffee Roasters:

"Black coffee. We make such a good product, why do I need anything to [improve it]?" Admittedly, Bantam Coffee Roasters' black coffee is really good. I never order black coffee when I'm there, but I do buy their coffee to brew at home and I don't always add cream to it.

Other Worthwhile Things to Know About Chad:

When asked if he had anything else of interest to share, Chad proudly said, "When I was in third grade, I won the pie-eating competition for my age bracket. 1987." Shortly after that, he participated in a dance competition and took first in an "Electric Slide" dance off. He won a belt buckle. "I was the cutest kid," he said, and not in a way that one would perceive as bragging. Alex agreed with the statement, chiming in, "Oh my gosh, Chad was the cutest kid."

And that's Chad in a nutshell. Happy birthday, buddy!



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