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White Brick Wall

Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go

I had dinner with my friend Alex tonight. We went to Mela's and got smashburgers (I got mine on an impossible burger) and had good talks. One of the things we talked about was my brother. I don't quite remember how he came up in conversation, but whatever Alex said made me say, "That was around the time that Pip was working at Eighty-Two, wasn't it?"

And Alex said, "Yeah, it was. He was such a good guy. I always liked your brother."

I confided, "He had such a crush on you."

Alex was flattered; Pip was a good-looking guy. "It's so weird you bring him up," she said, "because I was literally just thinking about him yesterday."

It was at this point that I noticed the song playing over the speakers. It had just begun and it was Wham!'s "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go"... which was Pip's ringtone for the longest time.

Now it's my mom's ringtone.

When I pointed this out to Alex, she got a sad-but-happy smile, lifted her glass, and said, "To your brother."

I think he was there. I think he was listening to our conversation and I think he probably blushed when he heard me tell Alex that he had a crush on her... but I think he was also glad that I informed her of said crush.

Other things that happened tonight are:

  • Alex introduced me to her friend Ilsa, a manager at Mela, and I gave her my business card. She likes to read and is going to check out my book!

  • Alex and I planned a First Friday book release party for December... so stay tuned for details! We have quite a wonderful drink planned, along with some other surprises!

  • Alex posted her selfie on Instagram and tagged Reese Witherspoon. I think Alex is one of the most photogenic people I've ever met (she's beautiful!), so I hope Reese acknowledges the post, contacts Alex about a modeling career, and reads my book.

  • I returned some pants to American Eagle. It was a wonderful experience. The girl working the register was sooo kind and she's a reader too! Therefore, I gave her my card. I hope she checks out my blog and my book.

That's all for tonight. I need to watch me some Jeopardy and veg out on the couch.



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