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White Brick Wall

What a way to start the week!

Quite a while ago, I purchased tickets to see Milky Chance at XL Live in Harrisburg. The plan was to go with Heather and Concert-Husband Phil, but when Arlo and I stopped at Bantam Coffee Roasters for a puppuccino (Arlo endured FIVE SHOTS from the vet that morning!) and a hazelnut latte (just call me Lucy Campbell!) yesterday, I mentioned the show to Alex and Chad and they were like, "Oh, we have tickets for that too." But Chad was thinking about not going, so Alex asked to tag along with us, and of course that was fine, but we needed to find a home for the extra ticket. Brock stepped up, seeing as he is an avid lover of music, but then Chad decided to go and Brock had to get another ticket and it all worked out fine and we had a good group of folks along for the ride.


Phil got stuck in a late meeting and Brock needed to finish a project and Alex and Chad drove themselves... so the ride really just consisted of Heather and me. Which was excellent! We talked about so many things and got caught up on life.

Heather and I got dinner at Zer0day, which I've mentioned before in concert-related blogs. Phillip introduced me to this brewery and I love love love their IPA Casual Ruckus. Heather and I each had one of those and we ordered some dinner as well. I got the jackfruit tacos, which were interesting but not my favorite, and Heather got the crab balls, which are AMAZING (I had them once before).

The best part about Zer0day? We drew a picture to commemorate the evening. For those of you who don't know, my brother The Pip used to draw at the bar all the time. He'd take a big bag of supplies along with him and ask a complete stranger to "draw a line." Then he used that line to create a picture. Heather and I drew our own lines last night, but we did take a big bag of supplies with us to Zer0day. And what's extra cool about it is that I'd never seen Milky Chance, and Heather had never even listened to Milky Chance, but Pip had turned me onto Milky Chance all those years ago. He said, "The name of the band is just gross, but I really like their music." He always said that about them.

This is what Heather and I created:

Heather's going to shade it some more when she has her grey markers and colored pencils, but we were working with limited resources last night. One can't be expected to carry a studio into a bar.

What's also fun about Zer0day is that Phil and Brock met up with us! Phil got the pulled pork barbecue mac and cheese and Brock got the pretzel bites, in case you were wondering.

The four of us had intended to arrive at XL Live in time for TALK (that was the opening artist; you may recognize his song "Run Away to Mars"), but we missed him. When we got there, though, we found Alex and Chad and were in plenty of time for the main attraction, Milky Chance.

I only knew about three or four Milky Chance songs going into yesterday, but then I Spotifyed them all day and realized that I like most of their music. This made for a great concert! Also, here's a fun thing about the band: they are very attractive. For the last song, the band member in the bucket hat (he was my favorite) played the harmonica in, like, the sexiest way possible. He was soooooooooooo into the harmonica. I loved every second of it. I could probably watch a concert of just him playing the harmonica. I would absolutely buy a ticket to that.

Before the harmonica extravaganza, I met a really nice woman named Taryn who looks like my friend Kristin's friend Randi, and I know from communication with Randi that she likes Milky Chance, and then I got to wondering if Randi was actually standing right beside me and I didn't even know it, so I asked. And it wasn't Randi, but Taryn's dad's name is Randy, which is kind of funny, and I think the name Taryn is really cool so I'm going to write it into a book.

Here's another thing that happened last night: The band played a song and asked everyone to "get down." So a lot of people squatted for a few seconds. Phil was one of them. While Phil was squatting and I was not, he shouted from below, "Get down, Hannah! Get down! I'll never forget this!" Because, as many of you probably recall, Phil refused to staand for Caamp when we saw Caamp open for the Lumineers a year or two ago at Merriweather. I divorced him that night... but we've since gotten back together (obviously). In fact, we now have a daughter named Birdie in the Howard County Youth Orchestra. She plays the bassoon.

Anyway. I think it's fair to say that me not squatting for ten to fifteen seconds is very different from Phil not staanding for AN ENTIRE SET. But, whatever. #staandforcaamp #neverforget

Here's a picture of Phil squatting, and another one of him posing with the band's setlist. It was printed on orange paper, and orange is Phil's favorite color, so it makes sense that we seized the photo opportunity, right?

And in case you read this blog and are still like, "Who the heck is Milky Chance?" You're in luck! Here are two videos! One is of a woman's hand dancing to the band as they sing one of their most-known songs, and the other is of the audience singing the chorus of their most-known song.

And that was Monday. Now... onto Tuesday, which also involves some fun plans! Tune in tomorrow to find out what they are/were!



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