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White Brick Wall

Why My Cat is Better than Your Cat: Reason #560

Today when I got home from school, Kip and Petey met me like always, but Harvey was MIA. I gave them snacks; Harvey didn't show up. I called for Harvey; he still didn't come. Turns out, Harvey had locked himself in my studio. I have no idea how long he was there, but he was so excited to see me! He followed me around for at least ten minutes after being freed. It was adorable!

Anyway, I've been meaning to write another post about Harvey and his superiority to other cats. Specifically, I wanted to talk about our morning routine because it makes me laugh on a regular basis. This is what happens:

First, I enter the bathroom and Harvey sets about playing with the toilet paper. He likes to unroll it and chew on it. Sometimes, he just chews on the entire roll without bothering to section off a few strips, playing tug-of-war with it much like a puppy would with a piece of rope or a sock. I love that cat.

Next, I put in my contacts. I use the daily disposable contacts, which means each morning there are TWO new plastic-and-foil packets to be chewed on! Harvey loooooooves these! I would venture to say they are among his favorite things in the world. He bats them around and knocks them to the ground, then picks them up in his mouth and chews holes through the little foil tabs. Oh, it's so fun! Sometimes he knocks them off the sink, jumps down to capture them, and then returns with them to the sink... just so he can knock them down again!

Even more enjoyable than my contact containers? My toothbrush cover. Dental hygiene is the next order of business and thank goodness I'm a teeth-brushing fanatic because Harvey gets to play with my toothbrush cover several times every day. He loves it so much because of the texture, I think; it's rubbery and must feel nice in his mouth because he carries it everywhere. He does like to knock it to the ground, but more than that, he likes to carry it around the house. He takes it from the bathroom to the bedroom, and then to his tunnel in the guest room. Sometimes he carries it to his food dish for safe keeping. Harvey loves my toothbrush cover so much that I bought him a pack of his own toothbrush covers... but of course they aren't quite as desirable as mine. Still, he does enjoy batting them around and relocating them to various locations. This morning, there was one waiting in the bathtub for me.

The last fun step of our morning routine involves the shower. Harvey enjoys sitting on the side of the tub, between the shower curtains, occasionally reaching a paw around to let me know he's there. More than a few times, he's actually gotten into the shower with me, but he remains on the perimeter of the tub so as not to get overly damp.

And that's today's reason why my cat is better than your cat: because he makes me laugh every single morning! I love him so much. ❤️



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