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White Brick Wall

Why My Cat is Better Than Your Cat: Reason #814

Today I made salmon for dinner and ate it with a big salad. The salad was loaded with all sorts of other vegetables: carrots, mushrooms, black olives, tomatoes, garbanzo beans... There was some additional produce as well, but those are the important ingredients.

Harvey has a (bad) habit of needing to investigate my food. Sometimes, if the meal is appealing to him, he'll stick his little paw in there and try to swipe something. Although this behavior annoys me and I generally succeed in keeping my furry friend at bay, he was successful today.

You're likely not surprised to learn that a cat has a taste for salmon, right? What might surprise you, however, is that Harvey had zero interest in the salmon and instead ate a carrot and a huge piece of lettuce. It's one of the many, many reasons I love him.



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